

Jul 24, 2023

7 Home Tasks to Do Before July

Save money and time with these helpful tips.

Summer is officially on its way. It's time to get ready for beach trips, pool time, and lots of barbeques outside. But it's also time to prep your home. Unexpected home repairs can be incredibly stressful, especially when you want to enjoy the season. Fortunately, it's easy to nip many home maintenance issues in the bud before they become major problems or end up costing you a lot of money. Here are seven ways to prepare your home for the warmer months, according to Kat Christie, licensed contractor, DIY expert, and founder of She Fixed That, LLC.

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Air conditioning doesn't come cheap, and you will probably end up running yours frequently in the upcoming months. So Christie recommends inspecting your doors and windows for air leaks. "You don't want that cool air escaping your home," she says.

If you end up spotting cracks, don't worry—just head to your local hardware store. Christie tells me there are many easy DIY solutions for sealing your doors and windows, such as stick-on weatherstripping.

Christie advises walking around the exterior of your home seasonally. "Take pictures, take videos while you're walking around. Look for small cracks around the foundation, check your siding for any cracks or loose pieces, and look at your roof and shingles for any damage."

If you spot anything that looks like a problem, don't wait to fix it. "It will be cheaper to hire somebody to come and fix it once you notice that something is wrong rather than waiting until something bad happens."

Want your grass to be greener? Check to see that your lawnmower is in good, working condition. "Add oil, put fresh gas in there. On the flip side, before winter comes, you always want to add a fuel stabilizer to the tank to ensure your lawnmower will start up with ease for the next mowing season," Christie says.

Not sure what to do on a rainy spring day? It's the perfect time for home maintenance. "Check your basement to ensure your foundation isn't leaking. If it is, take a video and call a professional immediately to assess the problem," Christie recommends.

After you're done with the basement, Christie advises giving your attic the same treatment. "Make sure that your attic is appropriately insulated because this will save you money on your energy bills."

This is also a good time to set traps for critters. "Regardless of whether or not you think you have them—it's amazing how easily they can hide. You want to prevent clutter piles that they can call home," she adds.

Did mosquitoes crash your annual Labor Day barbeque last year? There's an easy way to prevent these unwelcome guests. The contractor tells me, "Walk around your yard and make sure there are no piles of leaves or places that can collect water which will become breeding grounds for mosquitoes in the late summer months."

It's important to make sure your home is safe, year-round. So take the time to check fire extinguishers, smoke detectors, and carbon monoxide detectors before you become too busy with all the festivities of the season. "Smoke detectors are designed to yellow over time. This yellowing serves as a visual indication that it is time to replace the smoke detector. On average most detectors have a lifespan of ten years. But check the make and model to see what the manufacturer recommends," Christie says.

If you can't remember the last time you replaced the batteries on these devices—it's probably time to replace the battery.

Did you renovate your home this year? You may need to replace your smoke detectors regardless of age. "If you’re ever doing construction that will produce dust—make sure to cover the smoke detectors with a shower cap, or something similar to prevent dust from getting into the sensors. If you are unable to cover your smoke detectors, or you realize that they weren't covered during construction, replace the smoke detectors immediately."