

Sep 07, 2023

Aqara EU Smart Plug

CES may be taking the lion's share of attention right now, but that doesn't mean other stuff can't be brought to you that would be of interest! In this particular case, Sebastian B, our seemingly never-ending source of all things Xiaomi, has sent us some pictures of a recently acquired Aqara EU Smart Plug. This particular smart plug, designed for the EU (obviously) isn't currently available in mainland Europe just yet and was purchased via connections in Russia, where it is for sale right now. This would indicate a Europe-wide release isn't too far off. For now, we’d like to show you a few photos so you know what to expect when it finally drops!

As with the recently released Mi smart Gateway, this product features, for the first time, the official Zigbee logo, along with ‘certified product’ text below. Both sides of the box show of typical features for the smart plug, including remote control, voice control, schedules, energy monitoring, smart automation, and overload & overheat protection.

The rear of the box has a sticker laid over the top, with Russian text for the basic technical specs of the device, which are;

The Aqara plug is circular in shape, and has, as standard, a physical power button on top, which would match the US version of the Aqara plug. The plug has a small LED at the front for indicating both power, along with pairing and connection status.

For the sake of comparison, Sebastian displays the Mi EU smart plug alongside the Aqara plug. Whilst the shape is clearly different, they essentially do the same job and work in the same way, and we’ve since had confirmation from one user who confirms the Mi EU plug is indeed also exposed to HomeKit.

As can be seen above, the Aqara EU plug is exposed to HomeKit, with the model number AP007.

Sebastian B