

Jul 23, 2023

Issues with leaking SF6 assets?

Energy Maintenance Technologies Ltd (EMT)

Source: Energy Maintenance Technologies Ltd (EMT)

Problem solved with EMT Site Services - world class products and services for SF6 leak survey and leak repair

EMT Site Services have recently completed work in the UK and overseas, with many more projects scheduled in for spring and summer. We still have dates available to carry out SF6 leak surveys and repairs, so please contact the team if you have a concern regarding leaking assets.

Project Bulletin

A Norwegian utility contracted EMT Site Services to run a series of leak surveys to detect and confirm the presence of SF6 leakage within the work area. Using EMT best practice leak survey methodology and EMT advanced leak detection technology, our team identified and located several SF6 leaks within their installed assets including GIB, HV bushings and interconnecting supply pipework.

The team are now scheduled to undertake 3 leak repairs with composite sealant filler and bonding technique, which will require SF6 gas handling and removal of the gas during repair. In addition to EMT site services, this customer has also expressed an interest in EMT hand held and fixed point detection systems and our Zerowaste analysis technologies.

Our experts were also commissioned to undertake a 132kv bushing repair for a UK utility; which included analysis of existing SF6 gas prior to removal, de-gas of SF6 to auxiliary storage via EMT gas cart, composite repair installation, and re-gas of SF6.

The system was fully tested and signed off as leak-free on completion of works.

Go Green with EMT | SF6 & Eco Gas Analysis in ONE

Your colleagues will be 'green with envy' when you arrive on site with the Eco+ ...You’ll be 'in the green' with the world's only multimode SF6 & Eco gas analyser ...For EMT customers 'the grass is always greener' ...But don't just take our word for it ...WIN #1Global OEM Based in the US Multimode analyser SF6 & Eco GasWIN #2Global OEM Based in the US Multimode analyser SF6 & Clean AirWIN #3Global Switchgear Manufacturer Based in the UK Clean Air SystemDownload Datasheet...

SF6 Gas Handling | SF6 Degassing and Refilling | EMT SF6 Site Services

Whatever your requirement or budget, whether you need the technology, expertise, or both; EMT can deliver best practice SF6 gas handling, with zero emissions and zero waste, to ensure compliance and protection of assets, personnel and the environment.Our Site Services Team have recently completed a project for a wind farm in the UK, degassing and refilling SF6 Switchgear on a turbine. EMT customers can choose from a range of innovative packaged solutions, with products and services which support the productivity,...

SF6 leaking flanges

· LOCATE SF6 gas leaks on flanges with the EMT Leak Hunter portable gas leak detector · ANALYSE gas purity, moisture and by-products with the EMT Zerowaste Rapide+ the EMT Moisture Pro and EMT Verify · MONITOR target pressures throughout the SF6 leak repair process with EMT Pressure Validation Kits · EVACUATE, store and re-use SF6 gas with EMT Gas Recovery Carts · APPLY best practice SF6 gas handling with EMT Smartfill filling and top-up...

Installation of 4x Smartfill Continuous Topping Up Systems

EMT Site Services have recently completed on site installation of 4x Smartfill Continuous Topping Up Systems, for a leading Electricity Transmission and Distribution Network Operator, in the Middle East.The Smartfill CTU delivers live, automated, on-demand top-up in the event of an SF6 leak; and is designed to manage leak operations where regular, controlled top-ups are required. Using this zero-waste approach to replenish the gas results in reduced SF6 usage, inventory and costs.Smartfill technology ensures...

The NEW Leak Hunter Dual SF6 & Eco Gas Portable Leak Detector from EMT

The leakage of insulating gases from GIS, switchgear and other compartments is a global issue. Insulating gas leaks present a major problem to utility companies:· Reducing plant efficiency, causing damage to assets or outages· Costing money through fines or legislative punishments· Exposure of employees to toxic gasesUtilising Infrared detection technology the EMT Leak Hunter enables fast leak detection on gas insulated compartments containing SF6 or Eco based insulating...

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