

Jul 08, 2023

The 10 Killer Features of a Modern Combustion Gas Analyzer

Today, combustion gas analysis requires instruments that are built for speed, versatility, and reliability — and many older devices no longer make the cut. Here, we look at the 10 killer features that a modern analyzer cannot do without.

Combustion professionals work on a wide variety of residential, commercial, and industrial heating equipment. This versatility means that the instruments they use need to withstand high concentrations of CO. That's why, for modern combustion gas analyzers, extremely robust CO cells are an absolute must.

These days, NOx has become an essential measurement parameter for various combustion equipment — for both environmental and health reasons. For some combustion applications, such as power stations, incinerators, and high-powered boilers, strict regulations often require NOx concentrations to be measured at various points in the combustion process. A good combustion gas analyzer needs to support this capability when needed.

For reasons of speed and efficiency, technicians naturally prefer all-in-one tools that can handle multiple measurements at once. The aim is to reduce the number of maintenance and analysis steps, allowing technicians to service combustion equipment quickly without compromising on reliability.

As emissions regulations become ever stricter and more precise, modern combustion gas analyzers must be able to take measurements at a high degree of accuracy. Adjusting these tools is essential. And it's a task that needs to be done in a lab by metrology experts — both before and after sales.

Paid apps are a thing of the past. Customers buying professional-grade instruments no longer expect to pay extra for an iOS, Android, or Windows app. Why? Because these apps are now viewed as an integral part of the package when purchasing a modern combustion gas analyzer.

Again, for reasons of efficiency, modern combustion gas analyzers should be able to generate comprehensive measurement reports, which can then be exported and emailed in various formats (Excel, CSV, or PDF). A report generation interface should be linked to customer (and equipment) databases stored on the device and/or in the app.

Ease and convenience are the first things that today's technicians look for in a measurement tool. It needs to be instantly usable out of the box. That means the device must be intuitive, quick, and easy to handle in any circumstance. With so many design features, modern-day analyzers are helping combustion professionals work more efficiently than ever.

When it comes to user-friendly design features for measurement devices, portability is at the top of the list. Advances in digital technology and miniaturization have made modern measurement instruments smaller and lighter than ever — and has allowed manufacturers to tweak their design so they fit seamlessly into the palm of your hand. And combustion gas analyzers, despite containing complex electrochemical components, are no different.

Modern measurement instruments are packed with more technology and feature fewer structural weaknesses that their predecessors. Technicians expect to be able to use them in any situation, without having to take more precautions than with a conventional mechanical instrument. In fact, rugged design is a critical aspect of user-friendliness and ease of use.

Technicians know exactly what they need to do their job. That's why, when it comes to designing a measurement instrument like a combustion gas analyzer, flexibility is key. Manufacturers need to supply the exact cells, accessories, and options that the user wants.

With these 10 killer features, you can't possibly go wrong!