

Aug 16, 2023

How much leaving your TV on standby actually adds to your energy bills

If you're leaving your TV on standby, then it'll be adding to your energy bills. Here's how much it costs

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With energy bills rising across the UK, many households will be seeking ways to cut back on costs.

Thankfully, there are some really simple things you can do at home that will reduce your energy usage - without having an impact on your life.

Turning appliances off properly when they're not in use is just one small change that can make a big difference over time.

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When a device is left on standby, it still receives power from your electricity socket to allow it to continue running at a low level, the Mirror reports.

For example, when it comes to your television, leaving it on standby means it is still drawing power so it can respond to signals from the remote control.

If you're leaving your TV on standby, then it'll be adding to your energy bills. Here's how much it costs.

How much energy your TV uses when it is left on standby depends on the size, the model and how energy efficient it is.

Every electrical appliance has a power rating which tells you how much electricity it needs to work. This is usually given in watts (W) or kilowatts (kW).

Other variables include how long you leave it on standby for.

Energy experts at Utilita explain how some televisions can use as much as 10 watts an hour when on standby.

They say this would cost around 28p per hour, or potentially up to £24.53 over a year.

Uswitch gives a smaller figure of a TV on standby using about 1.3 watts - this would add around £12 to your energy bills over the course of a whole year.

You should note that your energy costs can vary greatly depending on where you live and your individual usage.

If your appliance has a higher or lower power rating then that will also affect your energy costs.

To save cash, watch less and make sure you turn off your television at the plug when you're not using it.

The rising cost of wholesale gas is the reason why energy bills are being pushed up for millions of households.

Last week, the regulator Ofgem confirmed it is hiking its price cap for those on default tariffs by £693 from £1,277 to £1,971 from April.

Prepayment customers will be worse hit, with an increase of £708 from £1,309 to £2,017.

To help offset costs, the government has confirmed every household in England, Scotland and Wales will get an upfront discount on their energy bills worth £200 from this October.

However, the money will need to be paid back over five years.

Families will start repaying the £200 at a rate of £40 per year over five years from 2023 to 2027.

The discount will be applied directly to your bill, or you’ll be given a credit note, if you’re on direct debit payments.

This means households don't have a say in whether they participate in the help.

If you're on prepay, the government will pay the cash through your smart meter or they'll give you a voucher or a cheque.

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